Thursday, October 28, 2010

Froject two: peer comments

Zhang Ke

Zhang Xiaoya

Eunbi Yoo

Wei Qianwen

Gu Yuliang

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

project two: upcycling

Recycling unwanted materials into a new product is very beneficial for the environment, it’s very important in modern times because of the excess waste in our society. When I started this project, I strive to use materials that we would usually thrown away after been used.

I choose disposable away chopstick, throw away chopstick makes up a large portion of waste in restaurants. The chopsticks I used are made from bamboo. Although growing and using bamboo has no negative impact on environment, disposing the chopsticks is a significant problem to landfills as the chopsticks cannot be recycled and take a long time to decompose.

My first impression of the material was that the bamboo chopsticks had given me a feeling of nature. My idea was to make something that is both stylish and functional, yet at the same time encourages the user to think of the environment and the consequences of his or her actions. I decide that the theme of wastes and reuse would be main focus of my project, for this purpose I constructed a fruit bowl using chopsticks that had been thrown away to remind the user that even garbage potentially still have a use.

I collected chopsticks from restaurants, however when I received them they were dirty and potentially unsafe to use due to the chopsticks possibly carrying disease. I first had to clean the chopsticks and sanitize them by boiling them. To construct the product I needed to connect the individual chopsticks together. I first tried to drill a hole on the end of the chopstick and connecting the chopsticks using toothpicks to maintain the natural feel of the piece, however I found the process too difficult as the angle of each chopstick need to be determined for a proper shape to me maintained. My eventual approach was to use pin and cable tie. Also use hemp rope to create a nature feeling of the whole product.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Task4(e): Design For Life

"Design for life" is a TV program. It’s about Philippe Starck puts weekly challenges to 12 British design students competing for the chance to work with him in his design agency in Paris.
Product designers effect every moment in our life, like the chair you're sitting on. Philippe Starck wants these students to question everything about the product design.

Design is about giving thing to other people. Design is routine of everyday’s life. Designer is not artist. Starck believes that a good designer is about to making beautiful, useful and sustainable object that’s can be enjoy by everyone.

The first project is every impress me. Students have 100 euro and 1 hour to find two products. The choices must be illustrate one of 3 themes: function, gender or ecology. Function means finding one product which is useful another which is useless. Ecology means finding a product which is environmentally sound, another which is unsound. The theme of gender is all about finding a product with male quality, another is female. Strack let students explain why they think it’s good or bad. I think this project could let students think about what they want and what they don’t want when designing things. Also I realize that the explanations are very important.

In the second project, the only information that was given to those students is to design a product that benefits humanity. This project is every challenge to students, because there are not constrain, but it’s really hard to design a product for what Starck expects from them. Also I think it’s every interesting, because students can designing whatever they want, any ideas can be worked to this project. At the end, the final presentation is not that good, but it also give me an idea of how to do the presentation. Everything you do should be well considered like what you wore should not have any conflict with what message your product is showing like what Elsa did. After watching how Ilsa present, I learnt that when presenting, you should make your presentation as straight forward as possible, so that it won’t confuse the client or make him feel bored.
After viewing this program, I understand that when design a product, every steps is important. No matter how good the product is, naming and advertising your product as giving people the first impression to make an eye attraction to them, let them to choose your product.
As a designer, you must be thinking about how the product is manufacture. You need think about the price of the material and price of the product is fit the target market or not.
In the conclusion, this video is very useful. I understand that designers always have lots of stress when they are thinking about a new product, but they also enjoy it. I also realize that the most interesting part of design is you never can imagine that the final product you are achieved.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

peer comments
Lee, James Chieh-Min
Chiang, Wesley

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Project one:Experience Enrichment

Technical drawing:
context of use:

pleasure analysis:


product poster:

The target market I choose for this project is young adults about 25 and upwards who are just starting their careers and suffer a lot of pressure. So I chose to redesign a coffee mug in which improves the emotional connection between the product and its user.
Today, people are trying to find a balance between life and work and they are suffering more pressure from both work and family. And coffee is actually an irreplaceable refreshment for those whose work in offices. So the coffee mug becomes an everyday object for office people that they cannot live without. In so doing, it is important to find an easy way to make them relaxed devote themselves into work in high spirits.
Aiming to give people a pleasurable experience, the coffee mug is designed as an egg shape which is smooth and simple and it enables people to be peaceful, calm and elevated. In addition, there is a stirrer with the mug which is used to stir when sugar is added.
The coffee mug still keeps the dimension as a normal coffee mug. The additional cap makes the overall shape of the coffee mug more integrative. Having it curved and the smooth surface make the user has a natural grip when holding the coffee mug. A comfortable feeling when holding an object could make people more pleased.
The colour of white gives the product a sense of clean feeling to use. The material used to make this coffee mug is ceramic, which makes the product to be environmentally friendly and suitable for a longer last. Also ceramic has low heat conductivity, so it provides a protection from hot drink. Also I increase the thickness of the wall in order to gives a better protection from heat.
When it’s not in use, the shape of the product also gives a decorative feeling. The overall appearance keeps the product a natural looking to catch the attention of young adults. Also the cap could keep the coffee mug inside clean and prevent the dust from getting into it.
The stylish design also grabs other people’s attention. It becomes a talking point, and broadens the user’s social circle. This may be helpful in their business.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Video Reflection: Objectified.

Good design should be innovative, good design should make a product useful, good design is aesthetic design, good design will makes a product understandable, good design is honest, good design is unobtrusive, good design is long-lived, good design is consistent in every detail, good design is environmentally friendly. Last but not least, good design is as little design as possible.

This video is introduced different designer’s opinion with different culture background. I realized that design is the way that you look at the world.

Every design tells a story, I understand that every design has actually made for some purpose. Like the Japanese toothpick, we can break the end and use it as the rest of the toothpick. It contains a cultural context which has a kind of practicable propriety.

Design is about mass of production, the aim of design is make more people to buy. People want to catch the newest things. But however this cannot be achieved. Because, once a product is produced, there will be a similar product being designed with a fresher look. These product brought into society has designed to increase their price. The companies ask for a new design style for an existing thing. Like the macbook, the designers use a totally different way to design the macbook now when compare with the first mac they produced.

“Design dissolving in behavior.” people do not realize the connection between the products and themselves, because the designers are design the product to make people used the products without realizing. The designers have been workings creating a communication through the subconscious connections between people and products allowing a personal interation.

Now the designer need to concern about the implications of continues to produce more and more stuffs that had bad impact on environment. The stability of the products is not just about the pretty things. It’s about redesigning every single aspect, from the material to designing, production, to shipping, and also need to design a way that that product can be disposed logically. I realize that designers should continuously experiment and explore materials.
designers are expect to use the material that has less environmental impact, Its lead a restriction for designers, but once the product has been designed, it will effects on the environment after its life.
When people doing mind map, many more ideas that we never thought of are comes in. people continuously develop their mind though mind maps, that will lead a new world of design you never been.