Tuesday, August 17, 2010

reflection on emotional design

In this video, Donald Norman discusses the emotional response that product design have on the consumer. He point out that in his new life is consumed of trying to figure out what beauty is about, pretty and emotions. He talking about emotional design and divided it into three levels, visceral, behavioral and reflective, with different level, he also give examples to explain how these levels works in emotional design.

Norman argues that the emotional response of the consumer is influenced by how we view the product. A good design works on different emotive values.

The first level is the visceral level, this is how we see the product. This include the shape and colour of the item. For this he give us the example of the colour and the font of the stylized word visceral and how the red and curve of the word brings the word to our attention.

The second level in which a product affect us is the behavioral level and this are govened by our sub-conscious. Norman states that a product should engage our emotions.

The last level that the product should engage us is the reflective level. For the design to engage us in the reflective level then then the product need to affect our egos and ultimately how we think of ourselves. Examples of effective products that engage us on the emotive level change how we perceive others view us. This include the HUMMER and expensive watches which is more of a status symbol then functional.

Don Norman argues that ultimately a product's ability to engage us emotionally are more important than it's function. He give us an example of a juicer he have in his home, a special edition of the famous design by Phillipe Starck, he tells us that people do not buy the juicer for it's function but purchase it for its beauty. This made me realize that sometimes if the product is fun, it is enough reason for people to buy it. However, the ideal product combines beauty with functionality, the knife made in Japan which both have a perfect shape and is beautiful balanced, is an example of a better product , Don Norman said it’s a both a beautiful and functional product, a true delight to use.

I think the functional properties are not the only thing that let people to make choose between products but also aesthetical properties. To give an emotion response to the target user is becomes very important, but there is no way that a product only gives an aesthetically pleasing but without functionally. To design a product with not only looks perfect and neat but also gives fun and sense of security to user is what a designer will do in the future.

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